Software Engineer and Mathematician from Northern Illinois University. As a mathematician problem solving has always been an interest to me and has helped me develop necessary skills to create great software. I'm experienced in creating reliable, maintainable, and secure code. Love working on challenging projects that help me further develop my critical thinking and programming skills. I believe that code has global impact and I would like to one day be part of an impactful source code.
While pursuing my education at NIU I felt that the core courses where tied down to coding only in C++. So I decided to broaden my skills and not only focus on a certain skill or language. From coding in assembly and python to developing iOS apps, I’ve always found interest in learning something new and challenging. Java and C++ are my core programming languages and have strong competitive skills in web development with PHP, Javascript and MySQL.
Loving all aspects of technology and software development I’m looking for any opportunity that allows me to work closely with exciting projects. From work in web development, and keep growing my current skills, to working in software that takes advantage of my strong Java and C++ skills. I’m open to discuss any opportunity that allows me to grow in a professional environment. Being a mathematician data science positions and anything that deals with large sets of data and statistics always sound fascinating.
This project took advantage of Java multithreading capabilities. User is able to create unique (objects) balls of different sizes and colors. Each ball has its own speed and bounces around the screen independently by being a signle thread in the program. We are able to sort through the objects and change their speeds, cut and paste, and delete. We can also export the balls to a file and import them back into the program.
Implemented a UI for a user to play the Prisoners Dilemma game. The game mode is provided through a dropdown menu, the user can also select from a file with preset choices for the computer. For user experience, parts of the screen are gray out during the game to focus the user on where to play the game. Results are store in a file and displayed once the user requests it.
Close ProjectThis project took advantage of Java multithreading capabilities. User is able to create unique (objects) balls of different sizes and colors. Each ball has its own speed and bounces around the screen independently by being a signle thread in the program. We are able to sort through the objects and change their speeds, cut and paste, and delete. We can also export the balls to a file and import them back into the program.
Close ProjectThis project conists of a mock app that can help a repair shop track orders. The user is requested to login at the beginning of the app, where the app connects to a database and authenticates the user credentials. The first option the user is presented with is the option to put in a new order. In here we can enter a new repair ticket with the customer's information and the information of the device. Once submitted the user can go view pending orders, or orders that have already been updated. Orders can be updated through out the process of the reapir until the repiar ticket it closed.
Close ProjectLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia neque assumenda ipsam nihil, molestias magnam, recusandae quos quis inventore quisquam velit asperiores, vitae? Reprehenderit soluta, eos quod consequuntur itaque. Nam.
Close ProjectLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia neque assumenda ipsam nihil, molestias magnam, recusandae quos quis inventore quisquam velit asperiores, vitae? Reprehenderit soluta, eos quod consequuntur itaque. Nam.
Close ProjectImplemented a UI for a user to play the Prisoners Dilemma game. The game mode is provided through a dropdown menu, the user can also select from a file with preset choices for the computer. For user experience, parts of the screen are gray out during the game to focus the user on where to play the game. Results are store in a file and displayed once the user requests it.
This project took advantage of Java multithreading capabilities. User is able to create unique (objects) balls of different sizes and colors. Each ball has its own speed and bounces around the screen independently by being a signle thread in the program. We are able to sort through the objects and change their speeds, cut and paste, and delete. We can also export the balls to a file and import them back into the program.
This project is a mock app that allows a cellphone repair shop track and uodate repair information. The app connects to real online MySQL database and retrieves and stores its data there.
The user is presented with a form to enter a new repair order or the user can simply choose from a category from the navigation menu at the bottom. The repair tickets have status' and are categorized accordingly in the nav menu.
Once the user selects a category to get the repair from the user can updated the repair ticket's status, price and add comments. When the user updates the order the order gets updated in the database and the panels are refreshed to
update with the new data from the datase.
Programmed a microshell in C++ that is able to take user input and process it accordingly. When the microshell is run the user is shown a shell input where the program waits for the user to type a command. Once the command is type we run the user's input and check if they want to do a single process or maybe they want to pipe something so we do multiple processes. The program is able to use piping in the example, we display an usorted list then pipe the output to a sorting function and we get a sorted list. If there are process errors we are able to catch them and display them accordingly. To quit a special command was coded and the user can quit with either 'q' or "quit".
Programmed a simulated process scheduler to handle requests made by a list of processes. The list includes the name of the process, its execution period, the amount of input and output time it needs and when to terminated. We count CPU bursts and I/O bursts and record the data to print a detail summary at the end. We use the processes given priority to executed when the CPU has other processes waiting. All of the processes "objects" are handle with deques, to make it easier to push, delete and edit process information.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tristique lectus sit amet nunc fermentum, nec porttitor nulla tristique. Fusce pulvinar ante arcu, vitae sodales neque sagittis in. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris mi risus, viverra vel convallis vitae, aliquam in lacus. Integer in eros non velit laoreet bibendum nec vel felis. Aenean tempor mattis est quis dignissim. Phasellus lobortis et tortor ullamcorper interdum. Donec tristique purus in mauris ornare venenatis. Morbi sed ultricies eros. Nam sagittis quam quis lacus sagittis, vitae tempus arcu convallis. Praesent molestie pellentesque lorem maximus sodales. Morbi ac magna et nulla semper finibus vel eu est. Fusce elementum nunc varius congue consectetur. Aenean iaculis nibh sapien, sed molestie purus pharetra et. Pellentesque tincidunt semper euismod. Donec risus odio, finibus ac ullamcorper vel, auctor a mauris. Vivamus et condimentum sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer accumsan, enim nec condimentum maximus, libero massa ullamcorper dui, sit amet molestie velit justo quis mi. Pellentesque pellentesque, metus ut lacinia rhoncus, diam ipsum tincidunt lorem, ut volutpat quam risus et mi. Sed nec tortor euismod magna faucibus egestas sed vitae nisi. Curabitur at ipsum eros. Fusce eget volutpat libero, vel convallis tortor. Etiam consectetur nulla pretium lectus tempus auctor.
This website is a tool for the employees of GMW to be able to track customer orders, sales goals, repairs tickets and more. It also serves as a point where management can store financial information and run reports for the time
they like.
The website's interface is build with bootstrap and was deployed with multi-device usage in mind. The employee can login through a tablet, phone or desktop and be able to navigate the website without a compatibility problem. In the
backend the data is process with PHP and stored in MySQL databases. Through out the website jQuery is run and for smooth data input/output Ajax is used.
Having security in mind the website is protected from SQL-injection attacks or just simple employee typos. Storing passwords and customer data should always be a security concern no matter the size of the company. The users
passwords are stored and access using PHP's password hashing functions.
The page counts with an auto-logout javascript code where if there is not activity the users account is closed by closing the PHP session. Every time the user logins it creates a random security token that is store in the database.
token is periodically check for and if the user logins from a different device the token is changed and previous sessions auto logouts due to having different tokens.
The employees are created with titles and certain pages only allow for access to certain titles. Like the financial page only allows for managers to access it or the sales page can not be access by technicians.
As a previous employee of the company I knew the kind of tool that was necessary for everyday use and what was the most necessary. Building this website onsite was crucial as I was able to get immediate feedback from the employees
and correct errors within minutes. This was the project that has given me the most experience and thus far the most fun.